Sony Car Stereo System D E20 User Manual

To p ro t e ct yo u r h e a rin g (AVLS)  
The AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter  
System) function keeps down the maximum  
volume to protect your ears.  
BOt h e r Op e ra t io n s  
3-048-730-21 (1)  
Usin g o t h e r fu n ct io n s  
Find the beginning  
of the current track  
. once  
Se le ct in g p la y m o d e  
To m in im ize skip p in g (ESP2)  
Playing a CD right  
The ESP (Electronic Shock Protection)  
function minimize skipping by using a buffer  
memory that stores music data and plays it  
back in the event of a shock.  
You can enjoy the following five play modes:  
“Normal play”, “Repeat play — all the  
tracks”, “Single track play”, “Repeat play —  
a single track” and “Repeat shuffle play”.  
Find the beginning  
of previous tracks  
. repeatedly  
> once  
The new ESP2 (ESP Squared) system uses a  
new DSP (Digital Signal Processor) which can  
read and store music data more efficiently,  
providing a level of continuous skip  
protection not found in traditional buffer  
memory units. This decreases the frequency  
of sound skipping and the need to utilize the  
buffer memory. Use this function when  
listening in a car or while walking.*  
Find the beginning  
of the next track  
If you want to play a CD right now, choose to use your player on house  
current. Other choices are the following two: dry batteries (see “Power  
Sources” on the reverse side) and car battery.  
Hold down MENU until “AVLS” appears in  
the display.  
Po rt a b le  
CD Pla ye r  
Find the beginning  
of succeeding  
tracks (AMS)  
> repeatedly  
* Although ESP2 provides excellent protection  
against skipping, it will not prevent skipping  
while jogging or running.  
Go forward  
Hold down >  
Press MENU during play.  
Each time you press the button, the play  
mode indication in the display changes as  
If you turn up the volume to “  
”, you  
cannot turn up the volume any more.  
Operating Instructions  
Go backwards  
Hold down .  
to a wall  
Play mode indication  
Ab o u t a re a co d e  
The area code of the player you purchased is shown on upper left of the bar  
code label on the package.  
For accessories supplied with your player, check the area code of your model  
and refer to “Supplied accessories” toward the end of this manual.  
* AMS = Automatic Music Sensor  
To re m o ve t h e CD  
Remove the CD while pressing the pivot.  
If you want to turn up the volume to more  
When using  
than “  
”, hold down MENU until “AVLS”  
disappears from the display.  
AC power adaptor  
Set ESP to “ON.”  
The ESP indication appears.  
No indication (Normal play)  
• If you use the sound function and the AVLS  
function at the same time, sound may be  
distorted. If this happens, turn down the  
The player plays all the tracks on the CD  
DC IN 4.5 V  
To release the ESP function, Set ESP to “OFF.”  
” (Repeat play — all the tracks)*  
The player plays all the tracks on the CD  
Co n n e ct in g t o o t h e r  
st e re o e q u ip m e n t  
“1” (Single track play)  
The player plays a single track youve  
selected once.  
• Playing may stop when the player gets a strong  
shock even with the ESP function on.  
• You may hear a noise or sound skip when:  
— listening to a dirty or scratched CD,  
— listening to an audio test CD or,  
— the player receives continuous shock.  
Notes on display  
You can listen to the CD through other stereo  
equipment or record a CD on a cassette tape.  
Refer to the instruction manual of the other  
equipment for details. Before making  
• When you press N, the total number of  
tracks in the CD and the total playing time  
• During play, the track number and the  
elapsed playing time of the current track  
connections, turn off each piece of equipment.  
1” (Repeat play — a single  
• Between tracks, the time to the beginning of  
the next track will appear with the “–”  
To e n jo y m o re p o w e rfu l b a ss so u n d  
(So u n d fu n ct io n )  
You can enjoy a powerful bass-boosted sound.  
The player plays a single track youve  
selected repeatedly.  
For models supplied w ith the AC plug adaptor  
If the AC power adaptor does not fit the wall outlet, use the AC plug adaptor.  
Notes on handling CDs  
• To keep the CD clean, handle it by its edge.  
Do not touch the surface.  
• Do not stick paper or tape onto the CD.  
• Do not expose the CD to direct sunlight or  
heat sources such as hot air ducts. Do not  
leave the CD in a car parked under direct  
Sony Corporation ©2000  
SHUF” (Repeat shuffle play)  
The player plays all the track on the CD  
in random order repeatedly.  
Connecting cord  
Left (white)  
Right (red)  
Place a CD  
* During Repeat play, you can locate the first  
track after the last track by pressing >  
repeatedly. You can also locate the last track  
after first track by pressing . repeatedly.  
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck  
h a za rd , d o n o t e xp o se  
t h e u n it t o ra in o r  
m o ist u re .  
LINE IN or  
Stereo system,  
cassette recorder,  
radio cassette  
recorder, etc.  
Set MEGA BASS to ON.  
BASS” appears in the display.  
To a vo id e le ct rica l  
sh o ck, d o n o t o p e n t h e  
ca b in e t . Re fe r se rvicin g  
t o q u a lifie d p e rso n n e l  
o n ly.  
• Before you play the CD, turn down the volume  
of the connected equipment so as not to  
damage the connected speakers.  
• When you connect other equipment to the  
PHONES jack of this player, adjust the volume  
on the connected equipment.  
• If the sound is distorted when emphasizing  
bass, turn down the volume.  
The use of optical instruments with this  
product will increase eye hazard.  
To lo ck t h e b u t t o n s  
You can lock your player against any  
accidental operations.  
• If you turn up the volume to more than “  
the sound may be distorted.  
Not these ways  
Label side up  
Certain countries may regulate disposal of  
the battery used to power this product. Please  
consult with your local authority.  
1Press OPEN to open the lid.  
2Fit the CD to the pivot.  
3Close the lid.  
Continue to the reverse side c  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in Eu ro p e  
The CE mark on the CD player is  
valid only for products marketed in  
the European Union.  
Slide HOLD in the direction of the arrow.  
When you press any button, “Hold” appears  
in the display and you cannot operate the  
1 Press N.  
To unlock, slide HOLD back.  
2 Adjust the volume.  
To stop play, press x.  
Pla yb a ck st a rt s fro m t h e p o in t yo u st o p p e d  
Your CD player can recall the playback point where you stopped and then resume playing  
from the same place (resume function). There is no ON/ OFF switch of the resume function on  
this CD player.  

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